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Elevated magnetic fields = Elevated radiation levels


This is where we come in… Harmony II Pocket Ground is designed to operate within the SLF/ELF band. Harmony II PG has fifty times more absorbing strength in the lower frequency band compared to its Harmony I & Fourier counterparts. At fifty times the strength, Harmony II PG can reduce five times more radiation within the ELF band – 5x is the same as using 4 Harmony I PGs combined with 2 Fourier PGs dedicated to environmental radiation absorption.


How did we do it?


We broke the mold. It was time to design a new conductive ceramic from scratch. We took everything that we learned over the years to redesign the new ceramic. In the end, we produced a new ceramic that was three hundred times denser per square centimeter than just a year ago. By creating a denser ceramic base/grounding block, we are able to compact more conductive elements into the mix.   The final result is an anti-radiation block that is 50x more conductive per square millimeter, thus allowing us to extend the coverage area from 1 meter (older designs) up to 2 meters (6.6 feet) from the body. 


Additionally, we redesigned the Ground Plane.  Older designs used a soft 6N copper ground plane to function as an antenna to absorb the radiation fields. The Harmony II takes the ground plane to a whole new level. We start by using softer copper with less impurities; the new base ground plane uses a dual 7N copper (the best available) for low frequencies. We also incorporated a brand-new dual 5N silver for high frequencies. That’s four individual ground planes within the Pocket Ground for increased ionized field reduction/absorption.  There’s nothing like it on Earth.


One of the benefits of this innovative design is increased blood oxygen levels over previous generations. Oxygen in the blood is how the body is able to naturally repeal magnetic fields – by elevating the amplitude of the negative magnetic field in relation to iron within the bloodstream, we are able to increase the negative ionic output leached through the pours of your skin to increase the anti-magnetic and anti-radiation field out to 6.6 feet.  Finally, we are able to cover the parental/child relationship without the need for the child to also carry a Pocket Ground outside of the home – as long as the child is walking within 6 feet of the Harmony II Pocket Ground, no direct contact between parent and child is required.  We have been working on this design to help autistic families create a calming environment for the child outside of the home.


How do Pocket Grounds work?


The Harmony II Pocket Ground acts as an off-ramp for the positive ionized field, thus isolating direct contact with the Earth. The positive ionized field is routed into the PG’s conductive field and ground-shunted to the ground block.  Simply put, the PG physically grounds out the positive ionized field within the frequency range the PG is designed to function in.  In the case of Harmony II, the PG is designed to function within the SLF/ELF (Schumann harmonic) frequency range, which is right in line with the elevated voltage fields everyone is measuring inside their home. The Schumann harmonic frequency range extends from 7.5Hz, 15Hz, 30Hz, 45Hz, 60Hz, etc., all the way up to 250Hz-500Hz depending on where you are standing on the planet.  The poles of the Earth dictate the Schumann frequency based on elevation – higher elevations from sea level produce higher Schumann frequency harmonics.


The year(s) of COVID have forced us to rethink our product lines – to expand on the technology to help fight a new enemy. Building on Joseph Fourier’s work with harmonic multiples has been the gift that just keeps on giving. Fourier’s concept for harmonic manipulation is different from ours but applies to what we are doing today when you take into consideration the various Schumann frequencies throughout the world. Fourier used harmonic manipulation in the ELF band to boost raw electrical energy – power companies are using this technology today to supply more energy to an aging electrical grid. We use technology differently than industrial – we are not applying random harmonic multiples in the ELF band to boost your homes electrical. Our product is absorbing random harmonic multiples in the SLF/ELF band by increasing negative inductive ionized fields.



Recommended for use in conjunction with our RF Absorbing and Harmony II Shoe Insert series.


Size: Approx. 5in x 2in x .5in

Harmony II Pocket Ground

  • If you would have asked me 5 years ago, I would have said NO; but with the rise of 5G around the world we are seeing more and more harmonic multiples and ripples affecting the low frequency magnetic band of our electrical grid that are artificially boosting grid levels without the power company boosting their output. The power companies experiment with Fourier transformers combined with the rise of 5G cell towers is creating elevated levels of 30%-35% in the magnetic/radiation band over safety standards prior to reaching the home. It is common these days to measure home levels over 125 volts in North America – expect the local power company is not responsible for the increased voltage levels. 5G acts like a magnetic field to the power line by creating a Faraday situation – the 5G magnetic field acts like a coil. Coils can be used in electrical to either increase or decrease magnetic fields, thus increasing or decreasing electrical energy on-demand. The field in this situation is regulated by the amount of nearby 5G cell towers and their total output. The 5G signal creates a magnetic field around the electrical cable riddled with harmonic ripples associated with 5G signal that are measurable above and below the energy grids 60Hz multiple – the reason for this is the use of Fourier transformers coupled to the national energy grid. A Fourier transformer works by applying a harmonic magnetic boost at 30Hz, 60Hz, 120Hz, 180Hz, etc. – these are all considered even multiples for our energy grid – even multiples increase magnetic output. Something as simple as a +12dB boost at 30Hz can increase the energy grid to be able to manage 10,000 extra homes within a 10-mile radius. By those statics, you can see why the use of a Fourier transformer has become an extremely popular method for increasing energy on-demand for the utility companies.


    On-demand is where our product line comes into play. When the energy grid was first created, the max voltage in North America was 110 volts with every home service below 50 amps. As time went on, the service became one hundred amps/115 volts, two hundred amps/117 volts, 250 amps/120 volts, 425 amps/125 volts, plus. The average power supply – depending on where it is manufactured – can be anywhere from one hundred volts up to 120 volts. For example, all power supplies rated between 100v-240v only operate at one hundred volts, the remaining voltage is bonded to ground (dc leakage). DC leakage is the number one reason homes measure high in magnetic fields.

  • The answer to this is simple and not difficult to understand – we are looking to prevent radiation sickness. Ninety percent of all EMF related illnesses are rooted in elevated radiation levels absorbed by the body. Each one of those cases can be easily diagnosed as a form of low-level radiation sickness or radiation poisoning. In each one of those situations, elevated environmental manufactured radiation levels reduced the effectiveness of the individual’s immune system – thus allowing a “chemical warfare” to take place within the body to exploit and manipulate underlining preexisting conditions that would have never surfaced if the immune system were function at an elevated level. The technology we created for the Pocket Ground series raises the immune system by naturally increasing blood oxygen levels using our negative ionic fusion technology. Our ionic technology dominates iron’s magnetic polarity forcing it to always maintain a negative polarity – this is what GOD intended, but Modern-Day MAN keeps screwing it up. Cell phones, laptops, electrical switches, Xbox controllers, WIFI, Bluetooth, etc. use wireless electrical RF fields to interact (wireless electrical fields are considered floating circuits). Floating circuits are non-grounded and arbitrability use the body as a grounding source due to no fault of their own. The Earth’s magnetic field (as everyone knows because of Schumann’s experimentation) uses the body as an electrical conduit when the individual is near a wireless energy field. This can be through direct contact or indirect contact with the device. As an electrical conduit, iron’s magnetic polarity within the body is flipped from negative to positive for the duration of the direct/indirect contact – the discovery was first introduced back in the mid-1700’s by German cleric Ewald Georg von Kleist on 11 October 1745 and by Dutch scientist Pieter van Musschenbroek of Leiden (Leyden) in 1745–1746 – known as the Leyden jar experiment. The Leyden jar experiment demonstrates how the body becomes a capacitor for the energy field simply by touching your feet to the ground for direct contact with the Earth’s natural magnetic field.


    Harmony II Pocket Ground incorporates grounding effects with our Exclusive ceramic design, a conductive mineral base using a combination of twenty-four different natural elements - the EMR protection you have come to expect from AM Designs (EMR is ElectroMagnetic Radiation, the harmful by-product of EMF). Harmony II Pocket Ground organically interacts with the body (when placed in direct contact) and uses the body’s absorbed/nearby EMR as a power source to generate negative ions.

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